My Patterns

Monday, March 23, 2015

March Happenings

March has been a busy month for me.  Two weeks had three days of the seven out and about.  Add to that DH and I celebrated our 53rd. anniversary (yep still have the same one.)

Three weeks were spent on this.  From the time I finished the Train Pillow till March 11 our anniversary.

The name of this one is Something Old is New Again.  The center doily is old.  Background fabric is a pale blue Fossil Fern.  Threads are YLI silk, Isacord poly.   I got really lucky and found the lace edging  at Beverlys  then spent three days beading.  The lace edge is beaded on, the diamonds have beads in the center of the cathedral windows and the inside oval is beaded twice.  Over all I am happy enough with it to enter it into the Smoky Mountain Quilt Show in Tennessee.

Oh yes MAJOR blunder not once but TWICE.  I ran off the vinyl overlay I was working on to figure out my feather spine and got Dry Erase marker on the fabric.  First time just a little, second time BIG TIME.  Back to the internet.  Murphy's Oil Soap!!! It works.  Other soap doesn't even touch it.  No trace left.

Next it was on to this month's pillow.  Just finished today.  So check out Pillow Talk above.