My Patterns

Friday, May 29, 2015

Contest Results

Am I on Cloud 9?  You bet I am.  Yesterday I got the ribbons, and judge's comments back from the Smoky Mountain Quilters on the quilt I entered.  THIRD PLACE in the Art Quilt Catagory and, a ribbon for Surface Embellishment.

Today the quilt came back in as good a shape as it went.  Well it needs to hang a day or two from being rolled up so tightly, but no damages.

Competition was pretty stiff too.  Authors of books and winners of some major contests, WOW.

The pictures of the show winners are not up on the guild site yet tho.  Just a listing of winners.

Well off to peel labels off the mailing tube so I can send it off to Indiana in a couple of weeks.

Enjoy the pic. below the Surface Embellishment rosette is fantastic, quilted and beaded.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 17, 2015

And another month has gone by.  I finished my BOM in time for our guild meeting this month.  Here is the finished one for April
Haven't started the one for May yet but will use the same colors.

The new pillow for May is posted above under the Pillow Talk tab.  Each month has been very fun and challenging. is hosting the monthly pillow challenges come join.

Next up is a cuddle quilt for the guild.  The one I had for last month needed larger batting than I had on hand so it went back unfinished and I picked up another one that is really cute for a baby.  Will post that picture when it is finished.  Right now it is still on the cutting table ready to sandwich.

Until next time quilt to your heart's content.
